Cycles + Seasons

Since starting my business, I and it, have evolved. We are all constantly changing and my shoots and offerings continue to reflect that.

I want to help women connect back into themselves and their power to remember how truly magnificent we are. The creatrixes of the universe. Oh you know, no biggie. Like everything in nature we are cyclical. In a constant state of death and rebirth. Our menstrual cycles being the most obvious example of this.

Having your own business is one of the biggest challenges and I’m finally understanding that everything works in much better flow if I am led by my seasons.

The best introduction I received to this concept was a podcast episode of Gina Torres’ This Is Womanhood with Jess Sawyer. She spoke of our cyclical nature and associating each stage of cycle with the weather seasons. (CLICK HERE if you want to listen)

Why I am telling you all this? Because it is the perfect thing to take into account when planning your boudoir shoot! I have always been pretty upbeat and nice to myself but I would often find myself crying and tantruming in my wardrobe having “nothing to wear” and “looking disgusting in everything”. It was my darling partner Grant that gently suggested to me this was happening at the same time every month and did I think it could be PMT? What?! I hadn’t even made the connection!! Once I knew, it was like I’d been given the key to my moods! I knew there was nothing wrong - it was just my pre-menstrual hormones talking smack.

Have you noticed how you change over the course of the month? Your moods, body, feelings?

Do you take this into account when you’re planning things?

Relating our menstrual cycle to the seasons is one of the easiest ways to acknowledge and understand how to honour and be gentle with ourselves…

For a thorough and eloquent explanation I recommend listening to the podcast linked above however if you just want my Cliffs Notes here they are!

Winter - bleeding. What do you normally want to do in winter? Snuggle up, rest, eat warm, nourishing foods, hot baths etc. Not really in the mood to do much.

Spring - woo hoo! Winter is over! The flowers are starting to bloom, days are getting longer - starting to feel lighter and brighter.

Summer - ovulation. It’s hot, tunes are playing, beach is calling. Feeling fabulous and sexy af.

Autumn - ah crap. Summer is over and winter is on its way again. I’m not ready for summer to end! This is when your progesterone levels peak and you get all those awesome pre-menstrual symptoms.

So, of course, I write this as it relates to me and my cycle and my interpretation. The best way for to know your body best is to start taking notice and tracking changes in your body over the course of the month. I use an app called Clue and monitored my changes for 3 months until I saw all the patterns emerge. I now feel I have a much kinder acceptance of my mood swings knowing they are coming from normal body functions rather than me thinking I’m a drama queen.

If you’d like more information on your cycle and what is happening Clue has a great article HERE

So, back to planning your boudoir shoot - if it was me I would be planning mine for my Spring or Summer phase as that is when I’m feeling my best. Do you track your cycle? Has it helped you navigate your life a little easier? I’d love to know and your comments might help others.

Until next time,

Jodi xo

Boudoir Photographer  Sydney Gold Coast Byron Bay.jpg
Images from my shoot with Kirilly Dawn for Paradiso Magazine

Images from my shoot with Kirilly Dawn for Paradiso Magazine