I'm Doing It... I'm Getting Out!

Anyone who knows me, or heck you can probably just pick up on it from my sporadic enthusiasm… knows I have long suffered from an intense love-hate relationship with social media, namely Instagram.

With every energy audit of my life, social media is always on the drainer list.

Now don’t get me wrong, I get a lot of positives out of Instagram but FOR ME, the negatives outweigh them.

I have written and re-written my love letter to social media, I have tapped through limiting beliefs, I have tried three different scheduling programs (paid and unpaid) I had someone managing it for a while. I feel like I have put a lot of work into this relationship but it’s still not working for me and it’s time to walk away.

I actually got to this point about six months ago. The decision was liberating.

But a trusted friend suggested to me - ‘do you think you’re scared of being seen?’

boudoir byron bay photographer at beach

Oooh, interesting concept. Yes, there was definitely truth to that. I have spent the past six months really diving into it… there was (and still is) fear around success which for me, means being seen. I have worked, and continue to work, on that. But all the gripes I have with socials haven’t changed. And this decision to leave really does feel liberating.


I put that in capital letters because I am not writing this as a diss to social media.

Hell, I wrote some pretty bloody romantic love letters to it let me tell you. I appreciate the power of it and the free access we have to tap into people all over the world. We can share ideas, get inspiration, so much good stuff. I have made amazing friends through this app!

But, FOR ME, as a highly sensitive person who is SOOOOO EASILY DISTRACTED I think it’s time to experiment how my life looks without it.

This past year, I have been really concerned with my daughter’s screen time. Her obsession to the i-pad and it’s unlimited content. I have read many books and articles on the dangers of too much screen time for developing minds and psyches. In knowing this, I had to examine my own behaviour… after being called out.

Lila would ask me a question which I wouldn’t hear because I am deep in the Instagram scroll. It’s become a thing that she calls out from upstairs when she is waiting for me to answer something… “Mummmmmmm, are you on Insta againnnnnnnn??”

Damn it. Caught.

I am guilty to admit she is right 89% of the time.*

I cannot control my scroll.

There I said it.

I have set timers. I just ignore them.

I have frickin’ admirable self control when it comes to a LOT of things but the old Insta scroll is just not one of them.

All of the texts I forget to reply to, articles I don’t write, paintings I don’t start, odd jobs I put off, calls I don’t make. I reckon cutting myself off from the scroll will help with all of this. (I am not a blind optimist, I could just develop another distracting habit but I will report back)

But Jodi, what about your BUSINESS?!

Yes, this is what has kept me there for so long. (My personal insta is stuck on an overseas trip circa 2018) I realise the power of Instagram for business but the detriment to my mental health is over-riding those benefits.

For you darling people who enjoy my content, I will be funneling all my creativity into my newsletters aka Love Letters (which I trust will become less sporadic) and articles such as these where I can deep dive into the random shit I think and worry about… Which hopefully brings some solace knowing we’re not the only ones thinking it.

Yes, I will miss the memes. And the banter in my DM’s.

I won’t miss the worry of what to post.

I won’t miss the distraction of capturing every pretty moment of my beautiful day just in case I want to post later but then don’t anyway.

I will miss seeing what my pals are up to. And their cute kids (and dogs)

I won’t miss that horrible feeling of knowing I’ve missed replying to DM’s or comments.

I won’t miss the heart sinking or the stomach sickness when something that shakes me shows up in my feed.

I will miss the astrological updates but then realised that I can subscribe to people I love and get their best content there WHILE supporting their business.

The point of me writing this, rather than just disappearing into the analogue sunset, is that sometimes you have to make calls that go against the grain in the pursuit of finding what works for you.

For any other business owners reading this consider me a crash test dummy… As a service based business I’m going to see what happens when I go quiet on socials. I have a feeling I will end up more on Pinterest, which for a Pisces daydreamer like me is virtual heaven.

Anyway, if you’ve been considering something that feels like the ‘wrong’ way to do things but your gut won’t shut up about it, consider this your permission slip to give it a try.

What is the worst that could happen?

PS. If I end up a social leper due to this decision, please remember the good times you had with me. I love you.

* Please note that 72% of my statistics are made up