WHY?! Tummies, tummies, tummies...

I have a confession.

Last weekend I spent $50 on a pair of Spanx to hold my tummy in.

Even as I was walking to the check out I knew it wasn’t right… I was conducting an inner battle in my head which was so loud I thought the Myer lady might have heard it.

I was wearing a certain dress for a wedding and I wished my stomach looked flatter in it.

This is the part of my body I struggle with. (Oh and my increasingly deep frown line that I refuse to Botox) I didn’t even realise I had such a problem with my tummy until I was handing over $50 for constricting jocks.

I know I’m not the only one who has insecurities around their tummy. Actually, there’s bloody heaps of us… Spanx had an estimated revenue of 400 MILLION DOLLARS last year alone. FOUR HUNDRED MILLION DOLLARS.

Whoa. That is just ONE company selling these things. God knows what the actual total is.

Why are we doing this to ourselves? I am promoting body confidence yet here I am worrying about how much my belly sticks out. What the fuck.

I miss Spain.

When we lived in Spain the beach trips were a daily reminder of the variety of body shapes, colours, ages and sizes. Everyone close to naked enjoying their bodies out in the sun. It felt so liberating. Young girls through to old ladies running (or lazing) around topless, no shame, no hiding. Big bellies. Round bellies. Wrinkly bellies. Stretched bellies. Pert boobs. Saggy boobs. Uneven boobs. Everything and anything.

I was just talking about those nostalgic memories with my nine year old daughter and she said Spanish beaches were like dog beaches but for humans. Where everyone just embraced how their bodies looked and had a great time! We often joke about how if dogs were insecure about their different shapes and abilities that they wouldn’t enjoy the beach as much. Have you been to a dog beach? It is PURE JOY!

So, clearly the conditioning around body image run deep… Even she who preaches it finds herself a sucker sometimes.

I don’t know the answer but felt I needed to confess.

PS. I am writing this with my tummy hanging out, which is where it will be free to be from now on…. Sorry tummy, I love you. xx

PPS. I’m off to re-watch the Embrace documentary to give myself a top up of self love and body confidence.

Allow Me to Reintroduce Myself... (AKA The Return to Social Media)

Oh hello there.

It’s been about five months since I said cheerio to Instagram. Now I have an urge to return. This most recent deep dive made me realise that I’m not going back on there for ‘business’ as such (which is why none of the pep talks from sales focued biz pals worked on me) I am on there for community. (Which yes, I get it, does feed my business overall but I’m just looking forward to sharing what I hope is helpful stuff with other humans, know what I mean?!)

Back when I was going through a really dark time I had someone DM me with “I hope this isn’t too forward or out of line but I just wanted to check you are ok? I love all of the sunrises you post but I can just feel something sad underneath. I know we don’t know each other but just wanted to say I hope all is well. Hopefully I’m wrong but sending this anyway.”

Months later when I told my sister about this she said that’s why noone knew how bad I was… Because my life looked so beautiful on my stories.

Since then I have gone through so much healing and know to speak up when things are getting too much but at that time, on that day, that DM from a stranger really touched my heart.

It’s funny how you forget these things until it comes time to writing about why you’re returning to Instagram…

I really did need the break. I suffer from overwhelm. I think that’s most of us these days right?! I was not good at boundaries (still a work in progress) and now I’m giving it another shot. You can follow along @jodiplumbleyphotography for new updates but while I’m here I wanted to post some tips for if you are ready for a social break of your own…


    I didn’t actually realise how much I picked up my phone to check Insta. I decided that my substitute was going to be INSIGHT TIMER. I would open up and do a quick 5 minute meditation or do a lesson from a course I’d signed up to. (This involved spending about $88 to upgrade the app for the year but it was a worthy investment IMO) Thanks Insight Timer for all the healing and encouragement since!

    My other go-to which I plan to keep up is DUOLINGO. My French is getting polished up faster than Versace silverware. J’ai besoin de pratique et je l’adore!


    Otherwise you risk just looking like a rude bitch.


    I never say never (apart from just then) so I treated this as an experiement. I went to return a couple of times but then something threw me off it again. Go with your gut and make up your own rules.


    Luckily FOMO is something I don’t suffer from too strongly so I didn’t mind being in this situation. It was also really fun to find out news first hand from friends! Like in the old days!!


    A long lost friend and I reconnected over our shared exit from socials and we shared texts, voice notes and family photos with each other. We both found how special it felt to receive photos with news intentionally sent rather than just ‘broadcasted’ If you’re an old school romantic like me get out the ol’ rollerball and write a letter… Snail mail is the best surprise and an act of love.


    Like everything, you need to find what works for you. If your mental health is suffering then try taking a day’s break, or a weekend first. Baby steps and remember it’s all there waiting for when you want to return!

And from a business point of view - although 90% of my enquiries come from Google (thank you Thea Media for my awesome SEO) I ran into a lot of local people who asked if I was still shooting… they hadn’t seen my ‘exit news’ and just thought I wasn’t shooting anymore. Interesting how these things ripple out… So while I have no clear stats I think it did impact my business slightly. Although if I had got my ass into gear and done the Pinterest marketing I was meant to then I think I could have evened it out… I will never knowwwwwwww… Isn’t that the fun of it all?!

Wishing you empowering scrolls and timely breaks when you need.

See you on the Insta squares…

Peace out, JP xx

I'm Doing It... I'm Getting Out!

Anyone who knows me, or heck you can probably just pick up on it from my sporadic enthusiasm… knows I have long suffered from an intense love-hate relationship with social media, namely Instagram.

With every energy audit of my life, social media is always on the drainer list.

Now don’t get me wrong, I get a lot of positives out of Instagram but FOR ME, the negatives outweigh them.

I have written and re-written my love letter to social media, I have tapped through limiting beliefs, I have tried three different scheduling programs (paid and unpaid) I had someone managing it for a while. I feel like I have put a lot of work into this relationship but it’s still not working for me and it’s time to walk away.

I actually got to this point about six months ago. The decision was liberating.

But a trusted friend suggested to me - ‘do you think you’re scared of being seen?’

boudoir byron bay photographer at beach

Oooh, interesting concept. Yes, there was definitely truth to that. I have spent the past six months really diving into it… there was (and still is) fear around success which for me, means being seen. I have worked, and continue to work, on that. But all the gripes I have with socials haven’t changed. And this decision to leave really does feel liberating.


I put that in capital letters because I am not writing this as a diss to social media.

Hell, I wrote some pretty bloody romantic love letters to it let me tell you. I appreciate the power of it and the free access we have to tap into people all over the world. We can share ideas, get inspiration, so much good stuff. I have made amazing friends through this app!

But, FOR ME, as a highly sensitive person who is SOOOOO EASILY DISTRACTED I think it’s time to experiment how my life looks without it.

This past year, I have been really concerned with my daughter’s screen time. Her obsession to the i-pad and it’s unlimited content. I have read many books and articles on the dangers of too much screen time for developing minds and psyches. In knowing this, I had to examine my own behaviour… after being called out.

Lila would ask me a question which I wouldn’t hear because I am deep in the Instagram scroll. It’s become a thing that she calls out from upstairs when she is waiting for me to answer something… “Mummmmmmm, are you on Insta againnnnnnnn??”

Damn it. Caught.

I am guilty to admit she is right 89% of the time.*

I cannot control my scroll.

There I said it.

I have set timers. I just ignore them.

I have frickin’ admirable self control when it comes to a LOT of things but the old Insta scroll is just not one of them.

All of the texts I forget to reply to, articles I don’t write, paintings I don’t start, odd jobs I put off, calls I don’t make. I reckon cutting myself off from the scroll will help with all of this. (I am not a blind optimist, I could just develop another distracting habit but I will report back)

But Jodi, what about your BUSINESS?!

Yes, this is what has kept me there for so long. (My personal insta is stuck on an overseas trip circa 2018) I realise the power of Instagram for business but the detriment to my mental health is over-riding those benefits.

For you darling people who enjoy my content, I will be funneling all my creativity into my newsletters aka Love Letters (which I trust will become less sporadic) and articles such as these where I can deep dive into the random shit I think and worry about… Which hopefully brings some solace knowing we’re not the only ones thinking it.

Yes, I will miss the memes. And the banter in my DM’s.

I won’t miss the worry of what to post.

I won’t miss the distraction of capturing every pretty moment of my beautiful day just in case I want to post later but then don’t anyway.

I will miss seeing what my pals are up to. And their cute kids (and dogs)

I won’t miss that horrible feeling of knowing I’ve missed replying to DM’s or comments.

I won’t miss the heart sinking or the stomach sickness when something that shakes me shows up in my feed.

I will miss the astrological updates but then realised that I can subscribe to people I love and get their best content there WHILE supporting their business.

The point of me writing this, rather than just disappearing into the analogue sunset, is that sometimes you have to make calls that go against the grain in the pursuit of finding what works for you.

For any other business owners reading this consider me a crash test dummy… As a service based business I’m going to see what happens when I go quiet on socials. I have a feeling I will end up more on Pinterest, which for a Pisces daydreamer like me is virtual heaven.

Anyway, if you’ve been considering something that feels like the ‘wrong’ way to do things but your gut won’t shut up about it, consider this your permission slip to give it a try.

What is the worst that could happen?

PS. If I end up a social leper due to this decision, please remember the good times you had with me. I love you.

* Please note that 72% of my statistics are made up

Why I *Was* on a Brief Hiatus

In case you didn't know, about 18 months ago we decided to buy a bar and restaurant. My head said no but something else told me yes... When I asked the universe for a sign I googled the business and it said "A little slice of Paris by the sea in Byron Bay" Paris?! Need I say more?!⁠

Obviously, the past 18 months have not been the ideal time to own a hospitality venue! It has become a family affair with all hands on deck - even Lila was working the door some nights! (And doing a fantastic job by the way!) ⁠

Throughout this time I have kept juggling my shoots but for my own mental health I just can't keep up the juggle any longer. Sometimes you just need to surrender and let go. It's for this reason I've made the tough decision to put a pause on my photography bookings for a while. I know my life purpose is to help people feel better about themselves so it's just a small hiatus while we concentrate on this Supernatural adventure... Of course you know I've asked for signs, and they are all there. Loud and clear. Surrender. (And focus) ⁠

When we would travel around Europe, Grant and I used to talk about owning a little bar one day… And because of this we really want to make sure we give this place a good go!

We will be making some changes to Supernatural to truly make it our own, something we had planned to do when we bought it but didn't make sense then. We were purely in survival mode. But now, we're taking a deep breath and starting again... We will close on 31st July for renovations and re-open on 11th August which just happens to be the Sturgeon Full Moon - the 'coming of harvest,' This full moon moon harnesses the power of resilience and perseverance. How bloody fitting! ⁠

So while we concentrate on this project I won’t be taking on any new photography jobs. I can’t say exactly how long my photography hiatus will be but I know I will be coming back with more gusto and inspiration (or I’ll be a completely jaded and burnt out hospo worker - ha ha no, surely not?!)

To my incredible repeat clients and everyone I've worked with this year I bloody love you and so thankful you trusted me with your photos. Anyone already booked or quoted on will be honoured of course, I just won't be taking on any new bookings. Please stay tuned though and sign up to my newsletter and follow me on Instagram HERE to be the first to hear about when I am back shooting.

And if you feel like a vino and a sexy night out in Byron Bay, you can find me at Supernatural... @supernaturalbyronbay

Cycles + Seasons

Since starting my business, I and it, have evolved. We are all constantly changing and my shoots and offerings continue to reflect that.

I want to help women connect back into themselves and their power to remember how truly magnificent we are. The creatrixes of the universe. Oh you know, no biggie. Like everything in nature we are cyclical. In a constant state of death and rebirth. Our menstrual cycles being the most obvious example of this.

Having your own business is one of the biggest challenges and I’m finally understanding that everything works in much better flow if I am led by my seasons.

The best introduction I received to this concept was a podcast episode of Gina Torres’ This Is Womanhood with Jess Sawyer. She spoke of our cyclical nature and associating each stage of cycle with the weather seasons. (CLICK HERE if you want to listen)

Why I am telling you all this? Because it is the perfect thing to take into account when planning your boudoir shoot! I have always been pretty upbeat and nice to myself but I would often find myself crying and tantruming in my wardrobe having “nothing to wear” and “looking disgusting in everything”. It was my darling partner Grant that gently suggested to me this was happening at the same time every month and did I think it could be PMT? What?! I hadn’t even made the connection!! Once I knew, it was like I’d been given the key to my moods! I knew there was nothing wrong - it was just my pre-menstrual hormones talking smack.

Have you noticed how you change over the course of the month? Your moods, body, feelings?

Do you take this into account when you’re planning things?

Relating our menstrual cycle to the seasons is one of the easiest ways to acknowledge and understand how to honour and be gentle with ourselves…

For a thorough and eloquent explanation I recommend listening to the podcast linked above however if you just want my Cliffs Notes here they are!

Winter - bleeding. What do you normally want to do in winter? Snuggle up, rest, eat warm, nourishing foods, hot baths etc. Not really in the mood to do much.

Spring - woo hoo! Winter is over! The flowers are starting to bloom, days are getting longer - starting to feel lighter and brighter.

Summer - ovulation. It’s hot, tunes are playing, beach is calling. Feeling fabulous and sexy af.

Autumn - ah crap. Summer is over and winter is on its way again. I’m not ready for summer to end! This is when your progesterone levels peak and you get all those awesome pre-menstrual symptoms.

So, of course, I write this as it relates to me and my cycle and my interpretation. The best way for to know your body best is to start taking notice and tracking changes in your body over the course of the month. I use an app called Clue and monitored my changes for 3 months until I saw all the patterns emerge. I now feel I have a much kinder acceptance of my mood swings knowing they are coming from normal body functions rather than me thinking I’m a drama queen.

If you’d like more information on your cycle and what is happening Clue has a great article HERE

So, back to planning your boudoir shoot - if it was me I would be planning mine for my Spring or Summer phase as that is when I’m feeling my best. Do you track your cycle? Has it helped you navigate your life a little easier? I’d love to know and your comments might help others.

Until next time,

Jodi xo

Boudoir Photographer  Sydney Gold Coast Byron Bay.jpg
Images from my shoot with Kirilly Dawn for Paradiso Magazine

Images from my shoot with Kirilly Dawn for Paradiso Magazine

Return of the Disco

A boudoir photography session doesn’t have to be your ‘typical’ lingerie on a bed or naked on the beach (although clearly I LOVE and encourage both those options!) A photoshoot can be a chance to indulge in your own creative expression… Playing with props, light and music to create a total VIBE.

Teddi Emerald is a women’s empowerment healer and runs incredible in-person and online programs including ‘Confidence of a Queen’ and ‘Body Bang Bang’. Teddi is such an inspiration for reprogramming your subconscious beliefs, living your truth, and accepting and celebrating your body as it is!!

Teddi is also the owner of the funky second-hand retro fashion store in Byron Bay called ‘Trash Vintage’ so I knew she would be the perfect muse to channel some retro disco vibes!!

Teddi and I have worked together on a few shoots over the years but I think this is my favourite… 70’s disco music was playing, the sun was beating down and we created this fun nude disco shoot in the creative explosion of ISO life!

If you would like to check out Teddi’s online programs check out her website HERE or for daily doses of awesomeness follow her on Instagram

Teddi is also offering a FREE Body Confidence Master Class this Wednesday! I cannot recommend Teddi highly enough and this course is FREEEEEE!!! You’d be mad to miss it! You can save your spot here… FREE BODY CONFIDENCE MASTER CLASS
